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Monday, July 6, 2009

SPP interview / temuduga SPP 2009

Part 1
the session started at 7.30 am but i arrived a bit late. it was 7.40 am when i reached Bhgn Teknologi Pendidikan JB that morning. 1st July 2009. tarikh ni yg plg menakutkan sejak mula2 sy cek website spp. thank God i attended the spp interview with a friend from my school. so i could share all the 'short of breath' and 'heart stopping' moments with her.

at first, all my limbs trembled everytime i glanced at my watch and realized that we still couldn't find the interview room and that we couldn't find anyone to ask..luckily our eyes caught the sight of a direction board to get to the interview room. the room's name is bilik Terbilang.

the interviewer was Tn. Hj. Mokhy b. Saidon, bekas Pengarah Pelajaran Negeri Johor.